Belinda Parcells

3 years ago

The service department use to great and full of pe...

The service department use to great and full of people with Integrity. KEYWORD: use to be. If I could give less than a 1 star I would. Very unethical.
I have a 2013 Hyundai Sonata
Called in on 9/6/17 due to car couldn't pass truck on fwy and started slowing down. Felt transmission slipping. First appt. 9/8/17 at 11am. Asked to drop on 9/7/17 after closing due to work schedule. Dropped off car, only issue was transmission slipping.
Started of with Debra but switched to Chris as advisor. (He was very nice), he called and said they would get me a rental as it would be until Mon/Tues to fix and that air filter was bad. I came got belongings saw air filter and okayed having that replaced. Nothing else was wrong with car. Nothing else advised by Hyundai as well. Didn't hear back Monday. Called finally returned Tuesday that turbo and couple things under the powertrain warranty needed to be replaced and they would f/u Weds. Called Thurday 9/14 to get status before working late shift. Got vm stating car done but now there was bent rim, bad bearings and hub. Nothing to do with transmission. This was unacceptable and I left message with service manager. I would understand if I was at fault or did something but this happened during week of car being there. James the service manager returned call on Saturday 9/16 and said he talked to tech amd said car came in that way. Went on to say he personally knew him for 14 years so if he drove car off cliff he would cover so knows he didn't do it. I asked for further research as I know for fact I didn't bring the car in that way and now its undriveable. He said he would do his due diligence but most likely would not do anything. The car sat Fri/Sat and I brought to tire shop today to have inspected. Was told and got in writing, nothing is wrong with bearings or hub and that I do have bent rim.
This is so unethical!
To me this shows the tech has lied to say I have repairs needed in tune of $1200 cause they had to warranty issues to transmission. That and they bent rim or swapped with another vehicle. Something happened during the week at Hyunda, so now I will have to come out of pocket. I feel the service manager will still side with employee even when after learning that the tech has already lied about other repairs that are needed.

Now until I can replace rim, it's unsafe to drive to car. I am in hospital daily with family on life support and have 2 kids under 3 years old.

Waiting to see how the follow up goes but until then I am upset I am being called a liar and the fact my car came back the way it did. And now there are 2 more recalls and I am scared to even take it back.

Very upsetting since I use to have great relationship in service. But most left in change a few years

Follow up on Sunday by Service Manager:

Belinda I have 20 years experience as a master tech, you were quoted a bearing and hub due to the extent of damage to the wheel, to assume that those items are not damaged from impact isem. I spoke with you extensively about this yesterday, With all due respect to whomever you took the car to, I am not getting into a he said, she said with them. I spoke with you extensively about this yesterday, and I told you I will do what I can to check what little video I have.

Monday 9/18:
Call from Service manager James.
I don't care who or what looked at your car. They are irresponsible and have no clue about cars and Hyundai is not responsible and will not fix it period. I trust people here and not you. We followed steps and there is reason I am in charge. I have 20 years experience. Then he went to say, if you fix here great you got your quote, take it somewhere else and get rim only and drive and God Bless you when you get in accident.


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