3 years ago

They are very expensive. I can't afford to take my...

They are very expensive. I can't afford to take my dog there any longer.
Yes, the Dr. was very competent, has been for the last 4 years. Gracie, my dog, who has an eye condition that requires life long medication, has been seeing the Dr for 4 years. Last year I was demoted to receiving social security, and had to pare my expenses as much as possible. Although Gracie still had sufficient Meds, and was doing really well, I was gouged $149.00 for her recheck to get her Rx refilled, because I waited more than a year to bring her in. In the past a recheck was about half, or less than half of that price. I simply could not afford to take her when she was doing so well. I was not neglectful of her condition, I really could not afford unnecessary expenses. Yet, I fell that I was punished or taken advantage of just "because". I will be begging our regular vet to prescribe the necessary medication, even if I have to educate him about the disease, with documentation, and records. Don't want her to suffer because of others greed.


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