Susan M

3 years ago

Having read all these wonderful reviews a few week...

Having read all these wonderful reviews a few weeks ago, I took the day off work as my doggy seemed very uncomfortable. She was yelping in pain in frequently after moving. I was concerned it could be something serious (obstruction?...). My regular vet was away on holidays for a week so i thought i'd try this vet out with great reviews. They accepted me readily and seemed very caring, except after a long discussion, the vet attending us gave some possible answers, but with no testing done (ie. no blood work, x-ray, stool, urine etc...). I was sent home with pain meds, incase she had possible a muscatel skeletal problem (but no x-rays were done to test for this) and a very expensive light canned dog food incase she had pancreatitis(no blood tests were done to diagnose for this possibility). I feel I spent $150 for no real conclusion and a pain medication to mask the problem. Unhappy, the next day I went to another vet who immediately, within a few min, found my dog was very uncomfortable in her spine and gave a diagnosis. But, to clarify, he also had her x-rayed to confirm his thoughts and also to check for possible abdominal obstruction. With the x-ray completed, he verified that his thought was correct and that my dog had a spinal problem and was constipated because of her pain. The x-ray showed no dangerous obstruction. He also gave anti inflammatory medicine as the pain medicine that Oakridge Animal Clinic gave was ONLY for pain and not to bring down inflammation which is necessary for a spine/musculoskeletal problem and a med to loosen her bowels so she would not be constipated. I asked the second vet about the canned food i got from Oakridge vet. He said it was not needed as my dog had not been diagnosed with pancreatitis (which was a simple blood test and not necessary as she showed no symptoms of pancreatitis). I went home, relieved that I had the proper test done and knew what was wrong with my dog. The total came to $220 including 2 x-rays and 2 types of medicines. While I was at the second vet, I got a pleasant follow-up phone call,notifying me that I could come in again for a check-up if my dog wasn't better. I asked what they would do in this check-up, and they said that they would do another physical. I clarified if they would do any tests? They said no, just a physical. I said thank-you, but no thank-you. In a nutshell Oakridge employees seemed very nice, however, I visit a vet for medical treatment, not for consolation and no conclusive tests, results or diagnosis.


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