

4 years ago

Today I was in an accident and mistakenly called A...

Today I was in an accident and mistakenly called AGIB to get policy information. I was on the side of the road with the police and the two crashed cars and the guy on the phone looked in his computer and said that our company wasn't listed. When the AGIB guy realized I had called the wrong number to get HELP at the scene of the crash, with the police and the crashed cars right there, the AGIB guy started trying to sell me insurance!! He started saying "We do offer business insurance as well as personal and bla bla bla..." I could not believe it! I needed immediate help and had called the wrong number, and the guy used my distress to try to make a sale. We buy business insurance, car insurance, fleet vehicle insurance, personal car insurance, homeowners insurance, and life insurance. NEVER will we purchase it from these people. Too busy trying to make a sale to realize when a person needs help.

UPDATE: The company is now trying to imply that this didn't happen. It sure did! I called at 2:56 p.m January 26. It is on my phone. Spoke for 1 min 48 seconds. A man answered. I asked for Carol. He said "we have a Carolyn." The conversation went from there. Screen shot from phone below. #noaccountability #itsonfacebooknow


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