Christopher Miniello

3 years ago

This is the first time writing an online review (o...

This is the first time writing an online review (of any kind). Unfortunately it has to be such a terrible one.

All I can say is STEER CLEAR of this company. I have never dealt with such unprofessional (and a lack of) customer service from a business until now (with the exception of Blake Hall, the Sales Representative who was very professional in assisting with our initial service order).

The company locked our account and it has been THREE WEEKS dealing with their incompetence and nothing has been resolved. Every day we just receive lip service (that we are awaiting a response from their executive team) and that the matter is being dealt with. Again...we are are fully inoperable at the moment. We've exhausted all efforts in escalating this matter with the Revel Company.

Im not sure which small business can survive for weeks (let alone hours) without having the means to take customer payments, check inventory, etc.

Looking back, we had issues with the installation of the system as well. The Menu Build should have taken less than one week [to build the menus for our system] yet they took 4 weeks. Our Customer display was never installed [yet they continue to bill us monthly for this service].

We have no other choice but to scrap the our initial investment and be setup with one of their competitors [and let this soap opera drag on its own until it is remedied].

So if you asked my opinion as to whether I would recommend this incompetent company....I would say "RUN FOR THE HILLS!!"


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