Amy McDougall

4 years ago

Took my husband to the ER back in September at abo...

Took my husband to the ER back in September at about 9pm for very high blood pressure and some stroke like symptoms. (He had no prior known high blood pressure). ER was busy, but they did get him back in a reasonable amount of time after his initial triage (did an EKG immediately because his BP was so high. Get to the back, IV started, labs drawn, hooked up to monitors, BP taken frequently (never got a diastolic below 100, most were 110ish), he felt horrible, dizzy, trailing vision, unsteady on his feet due to vision issues. Doc saw him and also ordered a CT to make sure he wasn't in fact having a stroke. Then.....we wait. 4+ hours later the nurse only checked back in once, no one had come to get him for his CT. I finally went out to the desk and asked about how much longer for CT. The gal says "well it can take a while to get the results read "(a STAT should be no longer than an hour), I then tell her "no, no...he hasn't even had his scan yet". That got the ball rolling and he was off 10 min later. Waited again for a while, the nurse comes in and we ask about his labs. Answer was "nothing stuck out as bad to me". Doc then comes in, says CT was normal, labs all normal except a blood sugar "in the 300's". WHAT?? Then he proceeds to tell us he "kinda would like to keep him so he can see Neurology the next day". This is now about 2:30am, they have done not one thing about his blood pressure, are absolutely not concerned about his blood sugar, he feels just as bad as he did 6+ hours prior when we 1st came in and the solution is to see neuro....we politely declined and said we would follow up with our primary care in the morning since they didn't do one thing to help with his actual problem of high BP and blood sugar. I was LIVID! Got the bill later on and total charges to insurance was over $17000....for basically nothing but some labs and a CT. Never will I take anyone I care about to this ER ever again.


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