Common Cents

3 years ago

Everyone s experience with everything and everyone...

Everyone s experience with everything and everyone is subjective; it depends on the individual cop, or cops plural, and how you act or react. Even with a pending criminal accusation that involved a firearm, the Hollywood cop was nothing but respectful. He could have broke my balls about it. The cop was young, muscular, with sleeve tattoos, he ran my ID, he knew of the pending charge but it changed nothing. He helped me with my smashed out car window and the other car in my lot that had his smashed out as well. Hollywood PD has been nothing but helpful and nice. We talked while the crime scene investigation division was on the way, he even brought up the charge in conversation and was cool with me saying I d rather wait to talk about it after my case has a judgement. The cop assumed my innocence, because it hasn t made its way through the system, instead of treating me like I was guilty. Please don t collectivize the Hollywood PD if you had a bad experience with only one or two of them, I m sure there s some bad cops in that bunch. But that s everywhere and in every group. The cop I met and the other I spoke to on the phone, were calm cool collected and not looking to provoke a bad situation.

I am not a police worshipper.

I am not a cop.

My family does not work for them or any other agency.

I am as neutral an opinion as there is, if anything maybe starting out more critical of them than your average citizen, the Hollywood PD aren t the bad guys; at least not the cops I ve had contact with.

Be respectful like you would want a stranger to be respectful to you and I doubt you ll have issues with this department.


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