Kendra Wells

4 years ago

My A/C was leaking water all over the floor. To th...

My A/C was leaking water all over the floor. To the point of my bed having to be moved. A nurse did call maintenance as soon as i was put in this room for somebody to come check it. Considering my mother is 78 & a fall would be extremely bad for her & all the rest of my visitors.The request was obviously denied. The a/c would ABSOLUTELY NOT go above 67 degrees. My family that spent the 1st night had to sleep with blankets & coats with their hood pulled over their heads to try & stay warm. Nurse after nurse during the night tried to adjust this extremely cold room to no avail. The next morning the same nurse who called the 1st time said it's time for me to call a name higher on the list because the floor had paper towels all over it soak up all of the water. The joke all night was we put women with menopause in this room. I still can't find the humor in the joke! On Wednesday morning i asked nurse Dawson to help me to the bathroom. She did and closed the door for privacy and NEVER RETURNED. Even after i had pulled the cord twice in a bathroom with no speaker's. I managed to get myself up and to the sink. By this time my machine was beeping about my vitals. Still no one came. I walked out of the bathroom with my walker & stood by the big chair that was holding my room door open. I thought maybe they aren't around to see the monitors so i know they hear this constant beeping. I guess not! I got myself around to the other side of the bed got the nurse button & a PCT came to put me back in bed. This whole ordeal took 17 minutes. When i saw this particular nurse i looked at the time on my phone as it was not the 1st time she had done this. So let's move on to my wonderful late Thursday morning with 1 RN who worked her butt off might i add! There were just to many things going on for her to keep up. They had some type of emergency that delayed my pain medicine by a hour and 15 minutes. They might seem small, but not to a person who has just had back surgery. My right hand had swollen from the IV. This nurse graciously changed it for me got me back in bed. She forgot to give me back my oxygen, call button, and pain medicine button which was hanging on top of the machine that does vitals. The hospital phone was on the dresser in which i could not reach. I laid there as i couldn't get up by myself for over 35 minutes. Finally i stretched to get my cellphone off the food tray & called the actual hospital switchboard asked could they find a nurse on the 3rd floor to come to my room. I was transfered to the nurses station & a PCT arrived immediately. I can't brag enough on EVERY SINGLE PCT that assisted me. They are the REAL MVP's!!!! The bathroom speaker situation need IMMEDIATE ATTENTION! If a patient gets in distress and pulls the cord, but the nurses can only talk to the patient from the speaker on the call button on the bed what is that patient to do? I hope they took their cellphone to the bathroom so they can call 911! 1 of the main reasons i was left standing on my very weak legs for 17 minutes is that both times i pulled the cord they would call to the call button in my bed. When i didn't answer because i couldn't answer it was chalked up to patient must have rolled over on the call button. I couldn't even roll, twist, or bend. If a restroom call button is pushed the staff should have a way to know this patient is calling for help in the bathroom not from their bedside. My PT was phenomenal in his care of me! He takes his job very seriously and can make a unsure and fragile person feel like there's nothing you can't do. He along with my PCT get 100's across the board. Another thing i noticed was all of the RN's and PCT on 1st shift vs the 7pm-7am shift. Dawson is a force of her own. She would not tell Dr. Cha i spiked a temp that night. The PCT told her she needed to tell him. In fact got 3 more when i got home of 101.8. She acted as if she just wanted me gone! Cha said i could leave after physical therapy. I never got therapy Thursday Dawson said i could go as the PT was in the room to start therapy. I was ready to leave!!


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