It's the potato monster

3 years ago

Beware of the wheelchair police !!!

Beware of the wheelchair police !!!
My child who had badly injured his leg and was in such a pain that he could not walk for over a week, he neither can nor can support the leg for the doctor, and must be sick from school a total of almost a month before he heals, he has crutches, but he can no longer go with them, he is also autistic.
We would check so he had no blood clots in the blood vessels in his leg but no one knew where we were going so my son had to borrow a wheelchair from a nice staff who helped me, because it was so far to get back and forth and it was impossible for him with the crutches, he was already white and cold-sweaty, so we got good help from the wheelchair, which we were also allowed to borrow.
Then we get right to the end and then we move on from there to the ultrasound, we don't even get out of the elevator until I get aggressively caught up by two blonde aunts, one of which stands with an empty wheelchair that they have already taken from another patient!
So, they start accusing me of taking the wheelchair unnecessarily, so that my son can really walk well, apparently they were more capable than the doctor themselves to determine how injured my son was! They meant that there are very few others who are in greater need of borrowing a wheelchair and also thought that I would have somehow managed to return the wheelchair before we even finished it. Not only that, they were incredibly unpleasant and offensive to both of us !!
I tried to explain to them, but just got shit back, they would have the wheelchair at all costs, so my son had to sit on a chair while they took the wheelchair away from us !!
Then he had to sit on that chair and couldn't get out of there, he managed to get a few meters in the end, but it was a long way to the next ward, and they took his wheelchair just as we were moving on to the next ward.
So in the end I had to go and get the wheelchair again because he no longer came and he started to get more and more hurt.
Judge my surprise when these two wheelchairs that were so urgent to collect are standing next to each other !! It was so urgent that they throw off my injured child and leash his wheelchair, and are really angry at the purchase!
But my son did not dare to sit in it now after this, so I had to persuade him and then run with him to the waiting room, and run back with the wheelchair again.
The two unpleasant aunts were standing outside and it felt like the wheelchairs guarded, they work in the hospital at the information and apparently they have a job to take wheelchairs from injured children?
Then we would move on and he really didn't dare take a wheelchair, so he had to fight his way, we were also sent wrong and back and forth between different departments so it did not help, he was fainting in the end and we had only had a wheelchair would have been so much better and easier all day.

I don't even know what happened? Two incredibly nice aunts working at the front desk are forcing my son a wheelchair we had to borrow because he can not walk and has not been able to for over a week thus! And they also accuse me and question both me and my son if he is hurt, abusive disgusting behavior!

Okay, it would have been urgent and someone really was in more need of a wheelchair than my son and if they had not been nasty and unpleasant, but this felt like bullying. We both became quite shaky and shocked afterwards about this "treat".

I did not know what to do and this is perhaps petty of mine, but I photographed them and posted here, they can take it after treating us in this way.
I have erased a person who was included in the photo so it can be anonymous.
So, yeah.


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