Mike Brown

3 years ago

Prior to COVID, renting was a painless process. A ...

Prior to COVID, renting was a painless process. A majority of rental companies in Phoenix were very affordable and willing to work with tenants. With that being said, the WORST MISTAKE I have ever made was choosing Metropolitan Reality. They by far are the true definition of a SLUM LORD. I was a loyal customers for two years up until my rent was significantly increased after my first year of renting. I was unable to make monthly payments in full when due and ultimately knew I would have to make other arrangements to find another home to rent. When walking my home for its initial inspection, the interior of the home was ATROCIOUS!!! Walls were cover in dirt, dust and mold. Walls had damages and warped foundations. I reported these to the individual whom I signed my lease agreement with, but nothing was ever done to remedy my situation. My wife and I had no choice but to clean the house from top to bottom prior to moving in while juggling both of our jobs and our children. Within the first year of living in the home, there were several issues with the water heater and the plumbing, which took over a week for Metropolitan Reality to send a service tech out JUST to inspect the issue; not fix. Ultimately I made the decision to move out prior to the renewal of my lease. I paid my last months rent in full on time. I notified Metropolitan Reality after I had moved out 2 weeks prior to my lease renewal that I no longer lived in the residence. I cleaned the house from top to bottom prior to vacating the premises. I actually left the home in better condition than I received it in, but Metropolitan Reality felt that because I did not communicate sooner, I would be liable for another months rent. I was more than confused and told the representative that I would not be paying for a home that I am not living in, nor should I be responsible If my lease agreement has been concluded and I have not renewed. They ultimately submitted my lease agreement to one of there partner collection agencies B Lester Law. Through a legal judgement, I am now being forced to pay a month s worth a rent and damages to the property that I had reported from the get go. I was threatened with wage garnishment and punitive action on multiple occasions. Being a blue collar man, I do not have money to waste, nor do I have expendable income at my disposal. Metropolitan Reality dropped the ball when confirming my lease agreement and scramble to collect a months worth of rent at my expense. If you are a current tenant I URGE you to leave once your lease agreement is up and do not renew!!! If you a new tenant looking to rent, STAY FAR AWAY FROM METROPOLITAN REALITY if you don t want to be manipulated and taken advantage of.


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