Nghi Tran

4 years ago

I hired Esferasoft Solutions through ODESK looking...

I hired Esferasoft Solutions through ODESK looking to partner up on website projects. The project and work seemed good, they were tolerant of design delays, work was done pretty fast and any technical/design issues were addressed, and Esfrasoft Solutions seemed to have a decent size technical team.


When the contractor made the site live, the site reported MALWARE within a couple of days. When visiting the site, a MALWARE alert page came up instead. The MALWARE reported by Google WebmasterTools stated the site was re-directed to another URL. We were not sure what was going on, learned MALWARE could affect other systems, pull information without users knowing, whatever. We tried to email, reach out to contractor for help but he/agency did not respond for awhile...2 weeks. We had communicated to the general agency email fine before this issue. 2 weeks of no response for help, we went elsewhere to find solution/fix during this time. Contractor/agencys' lack of response during this time made us very suspicious and alarmed!! Only after reaching out to ODESK customer support to complain and warn others was there contact back from contractor/agency. The contractor had the nerve to say he had communicated back to us. Since ODESK became aware, I've been talking though email with the director at Esferasoft and he's asking to have access to check NOW.

No way.

MALWARE is serious and I hope this was an isolated issue that does not happen to anyone else working with this agency. Please be careful and aware. We obviously will not recommend them.


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