S. H.

4 years ago

I came to this Dealership for the first time, not ...

I came to this Dealership for the first time, not to purchase a car but I was invited for a personal interview appointment w/ Ali Bharwani, ( the person I spoke on the phone and the one who set the interview appointment for hiring new BDC employees) The appointment was set at 3pm and I arrived at the Dealership a bit early , ( I always do that way since it's my first time on this Dealership so I wanna make sure I can find a place to park and have time to relax before my interview. I arrived at the Dealership at 2:45pm but went inside at 2:50pm told the Receptionist in charge that I have an interview appointment w/ Ali at 3pm. He called his ext but I noticed he didnt get an answer so he went inside to his office department, when he came back, he told me that Ali will be out soon and will just call me, so I waited for a few minutes, then it was already 3:15pm, so the Receptionist asked me again ...When is your appointment? I said 3pm. So he went back inside and check for Ali, then he came back and said that Ali is here but not exactly there, he is somewhere in the area, so that means I needed to wait for him until he comes out. Now the time is 3:25pm so I got up and told the Receptionist that I will no longer wait cos' I have to leave for my Dentist Appointment, which is at 4pm. My first experience with this Dealership is terrible, I was invited to come at 3pm for an interview appointment, but Ali stood me up, HE DIDN'T COME OUT ON THE EXACT TIME HE SET FOR THE INTERVIEW APPOINTMENT.
I came extra to this Dealership, and waited for 40 mins for nothing, just wasted my time sitting at the customer's lobby area. My point is , ... people should not promise or set an appointment if they can't really follow the exact time! Someone should not set an appointment, if he is not sure if he can't make it... I never thought I would wait that long for just a first time interview.
I even came extra to the dealership on that same day after i just talked to him (Ali) on the phone, but unfortunately he didn't come out on the time he set for interview.

This Dealership is a joke when it comes to setting appointments! I wasn't impressed with this Dealership at all. Had to come extra for nothing!
Wasted my time and gasoline!!! Not again with this Dealership, I'd go somewhere else if I want to purchase a car.


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