Kristi Sax

4 years ago

I went in today to request rental assistance and m...

I went in today to request rental assistance and mental health assistance for my daughter after I called on Friday(today being Monday) to see if they offer those items along with every. Single. Proof. Of EVERYTHING they required to do so. I was met by these 2 olde, jaded women that wouldn t even acknowledge me for the first 2 mins or so (window was open. Awkward) only to be told that the wait would be at least until August and that the fact that my daughter does have insurance through my company, that I pay for every month, there is no help for her even though I obviously can t pay the $65 copay... it wasn t so much the information, but the fact that I spent my time, gas, and attempted humor with the situation to improve our TEMPORARY situation, but the callus attitude and complete disregard for their assigned role at this facility. Look I get it. I know sometimes we don t want to be at work, but I guess working in the service industry, you don t have the option to treat people with so much disregard (not that I d want to) or will starve EVERY single month.

I politely told the woman that this is all new for me and I just needed some guidance and had to ASK for any other references that might be of assistance. She gave me a clipboard and the resource paper and told me that if I filled it out and returned it to her, she could get me an appt on Friday (again it s monday) and then that would just be for registration and I d have to wait at least another week to get an appointment to be considered.

I felt like I was just inconveniencing her so I sat and called all the numbers on the list and tried to call my apartment complex AGAIN to find out exactly what s going on with of course, no answer. As I m hanging up with the answering service at my apt, the lady opens the window and asks if I m going to fill out the information or not?
To which I say, I was just trying to get ahold of my apartments to see exactly what is going on (notice to vacate or eviction. New fun terms I m learning).

So she replies, well then I guess you ll just have to take a later appointment then I guess . And the , I won t say slams but definitely closed her window very hard , grabbed her purse and I guess went on break or home.

I couldn t believe it. Obviously, I m already frustrated, stressed and out of my element and the behavioral health receptionist is really helping out to with the situation.

Her counterpart proceeded to ignore the next young lady for at LEAST 3 mins after she tried to politely let her know she was standing there for a bit (well at least they re consistent) when a second woman came to stand in line, I was DONE. Outta there.

I stopped at the information desk and they young lady there did try to call someone s executive assistant to have someone come speak to me.. instead of having them try to track down who that person would be ( no one really knew). I offered to leave my car so they could email or call at THEIR convenience but she did not want to accept it... so after about 10 mins I just took off.

I don t get it. So because I am not familiar with the system enough to get ahead of the line every month, then ACTUAL emergency assistance is non existent for me as well as not being talked to like a person? Ok cool.

This is something new for me. And god willing I will never be forced to deal with these people again.
This is what I get for paying into the system, having one kid, and having the strength to walk away from her dad s abusive personality and doing it on my own for 8 years and needing ACTUAL assistance once??

Oh and by the way, I m working 5 different jobs at the moment. 4 service industry and 1 day labor so I can stay busy and still earn money on my days off from every other job. Haven t had a whole day off in several weeks... so yeah.

My bad. I don t know WHAT I was thinking for asking for a little assistance one month.
My apologies. I ll stay in my lane.

Oh and I ll be waiting for that call or email from their supervisor .


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