3 years ago

If I could give an advice - don't! Go to a regular...

If I could give an advice - don't! Go to a regular dentist if there is not too much going on with your teeth. At the first appointment I had to make an impression of my teeth by the dentist student in connection with a possible. have the bracket installed. This took a lot of time to get it done (and a bit of money too, of course). I would later visit an Acta orthodontist to discuss the actual performance of braces work. And I had to keep the plaster cast! I paid for it and waited. When I arrived at the orthodontist I was informed that I had to make an impression of my teeth. I asked why I had to make (and pay for) the other impression at the dentist student. There she could not give a conclusive explanation, except to say that the departments did not communicate so much with each other. Wow. The real answer is (imho) that the dentist college student had to make the printout for her thesis. For me it was 00% useful and just took a lot of time.
Second point is this bill - I was done in November and already working with a regular dentist. Suddenly, at the end of February, I received this bill by mail. Usually they were up to speed with the bills (a week after each treatment) and suddenly this came. I called to inquire about what was intended. There are 3 amounts of 8.30 from 2 different appointments. It comes to almost 25 euros. I asked the Acta employee whether it seemed a bit like randomness? Would she pay for that herself? Wouldn't she find that strange herself? To receive an invoice for small amounts 3 months later. She said it was possible, that a student had forgotten a small amount! But of two different agreements? Come on! Wasn't it a bit like sucking money out of my, uh, wallet? And the question is, will there be another bill?
It's not about a lot of money and I'm going to pay for it because I don't feel like going back and forth with the Acta about 25 euros, but I think it's a really wrong, unorganized situation at Acta. Caveat emptor.


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