
4 years ago

I chose Beclere for my delivery because it is the ...

I chose Beclere for my delivery because it is the hospital closest to my home and also because it was a twin pregnancy and it is a level 3 hospital with everything must be on site in case of concern for babies. I was followed by Dr Alexandre Vivanti who is an excellent doctor, competent, friendly, attentive and above all, available to answer all my questions, even outside of the monthly appointments. Maternity emergencies are top, all precautions and checks are made to leave nothing to chance. The at-risk pregnancy service is also excellent, I was well followed during my 2 hospitalizations by doctors, midwives, nurses. All the staff were top, smiling and very attentive. Ditto for the functional explorations service that followed me at the end of my pregnancy, the midwives were great and the follow-up excellent. As for the delivery, a great team took care of me and everything went very well. I have heard so many horrible stories about hospitals, childbirth, the aggressiveness or the incompetence of nursing staff that I expected to experience the same thing for my pregnancy and well no, I was pleasantly surprised! The follow-up was excellent from the beginning to the end and I, who was at risk of preterm delivery at 5 months of pregnancy, was able to give birth at term. I therefore recommend this hospital for its maternity.


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