Paul Hudson

4 years ago



I started with this project with these contractors just over a year ago. The project was one that had been already partially completed and just need to be finished. The project was to finish a integrated Prestashop site. I with this contractor (Gaurav Sharma), he did not have the competence to finish the project.
He then passed the contract to another member of their team Himanshu Gumber, we went through the same process with him. Even promised the site/project was finished, we did stocktakes, etc to bring the site live. Ultimately that was a lie, the site wasn't ready or even working. After that I still continued with Himanshu trying to get the site finished, asking constantly to have all work done demonstrated. I could never be show all or all the functionality as clearly it wasn't finished. He ended up after again wasting a lot of my time then passed the project to another person on their team, Vinot.
Vinot took me through the same process of the previous 2 contractors, constantly telling me the site was finished and displayed all functionality that was part of the project. Again I constantly asked to be demonstrated a fully functional site as per the brief and the contract. He showed me parts of it, but the functionality was very poor and did not do as required or as per the brief. He then passed my work onto Mridulla Gupta
Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
Esferasoft Solutions Pvt Ltd
Mridulla told me she was the CTO of the company and would fix all the issues that hadn't been fixed over the last year this project has been with their company. A few weeks later, no further progress, just more promises without delivery.
The company ultimately is only interested in billable hours, and do not care what rubbish they deliver to you. They do not like to be held accountable for either delivering what they are contracted to do, nor the functionality of what they do. At any sign of trouble or challenging their performance they move you on to someone else in the company that can bill you more hours and deliver you just as little. Clearly the company is based on lying, dishonest and incompetence.

This is from someone that has wasted 1 year and USD$6,000


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