Ailsa M

4 years ago

I ve decided to finally post this review after bei...

I ve decided to finally post this review after being hounded by their reps every time I pass their stand at McArthur Glen. (And before you respond with in order to get new business we must proactively seek it out etc , you could maybe get new customers based on a good reputation and word of mouth, as other local companies seem able to do).
I was approached by a sales rep at said stand late last year, shortly after moving into my house. I agreed to a short visitation by one of their sales reps as I knew the property could do with some upgrading in the way of new windows and doors and I had starting comparing quotes from other companies. I had not read any reviews on this company prior to their attendance and as such, went into this consultation with an open mind. The salesman that arrived at my house was smartly dressed, but smelt very strongly of smoke and the smell was still there long after he left.
We discussed what I wanted for the windows and doors, different styles etc. Considering I was looking at the most basic types of all designs selected, the price drawn up by this salesman was astronomical, and it was made quite clear what type of sales pitch this was going to be. I said quite clearly that I didn t want to agree anything today and that I was going to look around for prices, and was met with a pushy and outdated sales technique of this is a limited offer, we can offer you X price or it will jump up to X price unless you choose today . This has never washed with me and I fail to understand how this ever works for companies that employ this technique as it turns the customer off immediately. I declined his offer, at which point I was met with we re the biggest company in the southwest, and I m a relative of the owner, we make a million a week you know , as if to say, well we don t need your business anyway. This brash and bragging comment was the nail in the coffin for me, and I politely said that I had all I needed and that I had to get on with my evening.
It was at this point, unbelievably, that he started to try and make conversation about my living situation and job, about me living by myself and if I m the only woman in my job. Not only is this highly inappropriate and unprofessional, but I d made it quite clear that our meeting was over and he instead thought he could sit there and ask ridiculous questions. Funnily enough, I never received a proper copy of my quote, and when their customer services team rang a week or so later asking for feedback on how the consultation went, I was very honest with them. Think they were a bit surprised.
Very glad I did not trust them with upgrading my home.


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