Flee 55

3 years ago

Dear Mr. Gold,

Dear Mr. Gold,

We would like to express our extreme gratitude to you for the topnotch, insightful, compassionate and highly professional legal services you recently provided to us during our resolution of a critical and pressing legal matter. There is nothing more important than finding an expert legal advocate to guide and assist when negotiating a situation involving something as sensitive as sexual harassment by a University professor. As lawyers ourselves, we performed much research prior to selecting you, an expert in this field, to provide us with legal consult and services. You came to us highly recommended, from numerous sources. Your reputation within the legal community precedes you as being the most accomplished and talented Plaintiff s (victims) discrimination lawyer in Philadelphia, one who has vast expertise in the area of sexual harassment litigations and/or negotiations, who will pursue representation/advisement of a legal matter in a way that benefits your client the most in reaching his/her personal goals. We had been advised that you are a talented and masterful legal bull dog, one who will not quit in fighting for the rights of your clients, be it through reaching a negotiated settlement or bringing a case to trial.

Our own personal experience with you supports every recommendation that we had received about you. It is all true. Thank you for reworking your own schedule to provide us with an initial consult, when you became aware that time was of the essence. You provided us with your (and your Associate s) undivided attention for a lengthy initial consultation, while hearing the story, validating claims from a legal standpoint and providing us with your initial recommendations on how best to proceed. Being lawyers ourselves, we know the value of your time, and know that this is not the level of service most lawyers provide in an initial consult. We also know the great value of a shrewd, brilliant lawyer, who is top in his field and on top of his game as a fierce adversary. Another critical piece to the puzzle, that we soon learned about you, is that you care so incredibly much about fighting on behalf of an individual that you feel has been wronged, the underdog, and are very passionate about making a victim feel affirmed and heard, and a University (or a company) accountable in the case where you determine that Federal laws have been breached and a legal cause of action exists. You also have vast experience handling sensitive legal issues with the discretion and care required. Equally important is your ability to assess the overall picture from a legal standpoint, and to file a lawsuit on a behalf of a client or encourage trying to first reach a negotiated settlement, if, and only if, you feel that it might be in the best interest of the individual involved. You have shown us personally that you are not about the money, you are about providing the best legal advice and service. You are about helping someone who has legitimately been wronged. You are an awesome person and top legal advocate, Mr. Gold. We are so thankful that we have you in our legal corner moving forward.

Sincerely Yours,
Choosing Anonymity due to sensitive nature of this existing claim


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