4 years ago

So I visited this establishment on the Canada Day ...

So I visited this establishment on the Canada Day long weekend on the Saturday late afternoon/dinner time. We sat on the patio and were going to enjoy a few drinks, an appetizer and dinner. The service was pretty good and super friendly. The drinks were tastey and the appetizer was delicious. Then dinner was served......and things went south. I ordered a Cobb salad which was average we'll say. Someone else ordered the brisket dinner....which should have been advertised as fries with a side of brisket. We asked to speak to a manager as we didnt feel there was any value in this $16 dish. 10 minutes later the manager shows up and his first words were "I hear you have a problem with my establishment", not a great start. I will add at this point that when we asked to see a manager our server commented that we were the happiest people she had ever dealt with who had an issue.....critical for later. We asked the manager if that was really all the brisket. He responded with "yes....it's 5 oz. prepackaged" (which is what I was assuming). We stated prepackaged or not it seemed a bit chincey, to which he responded "what do you want me to do about it?". We then said we didn't want the dinner, largely due to his attitude and the fact that it had now been nearly 15 minutes and the food was cold. The manager grabbed the plate, turned and walked away and laughed. I did respond with "are you f*^cking kidding me" which was in direct response to his laughing. He asked what my problem was and I told him turning his back on a customer and laughing may not be the greatest way to deal with this, I then told him he could take the salad back as well. He denied laughing and took the salad and said we could finish our drinks and not to worry about paying. He then proceeded to stand in the doorway staring at us.....so we looked and laughed. He then came over and said we had to leave NOW as he didnt like how I had spoken to him. I'm sure he has his side of the story but this version is bang on. We now know why on a Saturday at dinner time the restaurant was literally empty (0 people inside and 1 other group of 4 on the patio). I would not recommend this establishment due to lack of value and management with zero managerial skills.


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