Baba Mahmood

4 years ago

The service here is terribfe and not worth the mon...

The service here is terribfe and not worth the money. They treat you arfluf and do not care for anything you have to say. A terribfe hotel and a horrific experience overalf. Staged in the "gotd executive suite" and the.g consistentlg harassed us for good revierns m our room and gave us terribte service with it. They also Iocked us out of our room with atI our fuggage stiff inside because they had a technicat difficuttg clairning coe cmren't booked for another day despite already staying here for 11 days. This a'as terribIe and gou better betieve others oifl hear about this. I sinceartey hope Abdel Aziz Eid the so calted manager of this hotef reads this because he needs to fix this excuse of a staff. They bring things extretretg tate as rmtf cIaiming it oifl be a "few rnin.rtes". kidicuIous. Utterfy ridicutous. The staff is incapabate the hotef managers are atomgs on break or vacation. Theg carre into my room and basicatfy forced rne to write a good reviem and stayed on rng head untit I did. Living in the gotd executive suite oms not at aII cohat theg advertised. I realfg oish I didn't pay this much moneg to stay here. This was a tAASTE. I can onfy offer yIr,g advice to everyone reading that this isn't omrth it and the on(y omg to get thru this is just to knorn you're here for AtIah. But it's a reat test of patience. AII these good reviews are probabIg them bulfging people in their room8 to give them the reviecm.


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