
3 years ago

Good things:

Good things:

-nice big swimming pool area, looks gorgeous

-taxi service easy and quick

-spacious rooms

-kind guest services, smiling

Bad things:

-guest services made mistakes on referring me some timings, I made it late to an appointment I had. I then called 3 times to find out the correct information and within the process three staff members gave me 3 different answers. I had to talk to the manager to get a definitive answer.

-rooms are very old, I had a cold shower because the handles were so hard to twist. Many defects around, holes in chipped tiles. Should be renewed.

-The view from some rooms is amazing however many other rooms have a horrible view of concrete semi constructed buildings and desert, they should plant some palm trees and grass, this way it'll look much better. It feels inconsistent.

-taxis don't respect one another, they fight in front of you and in front of the staff at the entrance of the hotel. Doesn't feel professional at all (one taxi went ahead of the other to grab us, so the taxi that was first in line got very angry, he was right but there should be some kind of control over this by the hotel staff, it felt scary, they were almost about to come to a fight)


I'd get a room here only if it has a good good price, otherwise I'd look elsewhere.


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