Jordan Briggs

3 years ago

Did you know that eating a banana will expose you ...

Did you know that eating a banana will expose you to more radiation than living within 5km of the average nuclear power plant for an entire year.

This is due to radioactive isotopes of potassium that exist in almost all potassium in very small quantities. This potassium is incorporated into the banana.

Of course, both of these pale in comparison to background radiation (mostly from uranium ore under the ground).

Radiation is notoriously hilariously over reacted to (made less funny by the denunciation of nuclear power as a result). If you ate uranium, the heavy metal (think lead) poisoning would kill you before alpha-radiation did, and alpha radiation is the most dangerous by orders of magnitude when it can actually affect your cells (which wont happen through your skin, can only happen when you ingest an alpha emitter).

The only type of radiation that can pass through an obstruction the thickness of a piece of paper is gamma radiation, which is extremely - and I mean EXTREMELY - non-ionising (therefore unlikely to cause cancer). They have dense barriers around most reactors to try to absorb gamma radiation, however it can pass through these without interacting with these. On the same token it is far more likely to pass through your body with no impact.

And that's FUEL GRADE uranium, nuclear waste is waste because it is so nonradioactive as to be unusable in a reactor.

Good service and excellent food, stayed for coffee and didn't regret it.


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