3 years ago

Yes, it is not given, it is a fact. But dishes of ...

Yes, it is not given, it is a fact. But dishes of (high) quality, the service with small onions and a choice of wines from behind the fagots justify it amply.
A very enjoyable two-day stay last night (01/07/2017) on the terrace, in a quiet street overlooking the walls of St Menard, where we could also make a very nice meeting with our neighbors. table.
All dishes - from the starter (go for the plates filled, to share as there with hot pita buns: you get what you pay for) to the dessert through the main dishes (special mention to the lamb with cinnamon and wine with crunchy vegetables) - are tasty and served in reasonable proportions.
Do not hesitate to test their stuffed vine leaves: by far the best I've ever tasted.
And if all you like, you can always go to the catering shop a few steps away for softer prices but still excellent quality.


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