Review of CNBC

3 years ago

Over 1 yr later & my review has proven to be RIGHT...

Over 1 yr later & my review has proven to be RIGHT while the truth about the Biased Manipulative Lying Media continues come out!

Is not the news supposed to be unbiased? Why does MSNBC, NBC, CNBC continue to paint Trump in the worse light ever?

I truly believe his intentions are in the best interest of all Americans! HE WILL NOT ACCEPT FAILURE as an option during his presidency and HE WILL DO WHAT HE SAYS HE WILL DO!

To accomplish this he needs not be a lifelong politician! Trump has proven he is a Successful Great Leader who knows how to surround himself with the best qualified advisers!

In light of all that, I am so tired of hearing that Trump has no government experience! I would like to know what government experience Mr. Community Organizer Obama; had when his full of lies rhetoric and the biased media convinced millions of uninformed Americans to vote for him to become our President?

He must go down in history as the Worst US President ever and it has NOTHING to do with racism! I was and still am fine with having a White, Black, Hispanic, Asian President; race should never be an issue if they are an American born, person of Integrity, that want the best for our Country!

But that was never Obama's MO! Boy did he ever do a number to our Country! In the last seven years he has managed to catapult us right back to the 60's! This country hasn't been as UN-unified since that era and it is all because of the Obama/Clinton Administration!

Not to mention that from day one he was and has been hell bent on destroying our Countries Constitution! Why is it that the media does not inform his followers of the truth regarding his Anti-American, Pro-Muslim/Fascist/Socialism Agenda?

Why hasn't the media ever made a big hoopla about any of the facts mention, which have been such obvious RED FLAGS since before Obama took office?

And now they want to continue on the path of destruction with Clinton "Biggest Liar ever!" And you the media continue to pave that road for them? All it does is show informed Americans that the pyramid conspiracy that claims the media is in charge of blinding the little folk is all but so true! We can handle truth, why not give it a shot!

As a moderately conservative, middle aged, Independent Republican Hispanic woman I am all for a woman president, but not Clinton she would inherit the Worst Title and go on to be Worst Woman President Ever! She is completely incompetent to become our Commander and Chief at such a critical time in the history of the USA!

Why haven't you been reporting that Clinton and her husband have sold America away piece by piece to the highest bidders via the Clinton Foundation! The only thing they care about is lining their pockets! She should be in a courtroom being held accountable for many security breaches, but instead she is being protected by our current incompetent Administration and treading the road to try to become our next President?

All with the biased media blessing and assistance! And who is the alternative to Clinton a Socialist/Communist on his last leg of life? REALLY?

I guess the saying has never been so true! "What the American people don't know is what makes them The American people ! I am, as I am sure many others are starting to feel ashamed to call myself an American! And I am considering taking residence in another Country if Clinton wins!

Enough is Enough! The people are speaking LOUDLY; thru Trumps Victories, but you don't seem to want to listen? The only question left is WHY?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke


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