Eric Pierre
Review of PinPointMe

4 years ago

I left WeWork recently because of an issue of raci...

I left WeWork recently because of an issue of racial profiling that would have put myself and my staff and potential clients at risk that they shouldn't be subject to.

Sadly, no matter the facts, they just aren't interested in making changes that they say they're open to. They refer to their diversity programs but how are those programs really impactful if you can harass people like me and subject them to a clear double standard and furthermore the staff and management not take responsibility?

In the end, since God has blessed me to be an employer, I could have done two things...go take legal action and spend resources and time for something that was a dicey situation or make a bigger power move, move my company and future business to someone else. I chose the latter.

Sometimes, it's best to just take my business elsewhere and in this instance, I got a better situation where I'm paying more money, but that is money WeWork will never get going forward because of how they decided to mistreat me. That perhaps is the best way to send a message.

I also canceled my membership with Wework Gas Company Tower because of how their New York Corporate executive management handled me. See, they lost two accounts and their rival got more money from me and will continue to get more money long term because of how they decided to speak to me.

Be careful about how you treat customers. Not only did I leave but I wound up giving another company even more money in the short term and long term. Customer service does matter and I can hurt them in their pocketbook without filing a lawsuit.

Just because I'm a black business owner doesn't mean that I don't have the ability to make money or just accept substandard service.


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