3 years ago

BWP is normally a very good experience. This locat...

BWP is normally a very good experience. This location is miserable. I was sick and jet lagged older businessman - woken early and rudely by housekeeping ignoring a do not disturb sign instead of having the management call 30 min. before checkout time. Eventually I was just finishing packing and dressing at noon - still NO CALL from front desk - instead 2 huge men start pounding on my door - yelling "Hotel Security" "Why are you still here?" "You have to go!" - I open the door - shocked at this behavior - and see 2 men in paint splattered work clothes and dirty work out construction boots - who I politely and softly said - sorry, I'm sick and jet lagged and running a bit late - The can SEE my bags and me buttoning my shirt - (obviously I'm on my way out) and CONTINUE berating me and acting "macho". I close the door - finish packing - but in the harassment actually forgot a couple things in the room. When I go out to leave the men are STILL THERE - like I am a terrorist or criminal. A then they yell to the 2 housekeepers who have 5 other rooms open and are busy in them (as if mine made a difference) "OK LADIES, he's out" .

NOT ONE call from the front desk. Just this BIZZARE, low class, hostile treatment.

Other issues: Broken lamp, NO plugs you can reach - you have to move furniture and crawl on the floor to plug in a single item. The bathtube doesn't drain. Part of my lateness was I needed hot bath in AM for back problems and filled with cold water accidentally. I took 30 minutes to drain before I could rerun the bath. Pillows were also miserable - but I travel with my own.

I stay for business about 150 nights per year in hotels. This stay will be "memorable" for all the wrong reasons.


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