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3 years ago

Hello everyone thank you so much for your Wonderf...

Hello everyone thank you so much for your Wonderful support by reading and Like my reviews.
As you all know me by now that once I write a review it would be the only 100% true, honest and complete review you would ever get in Google.

My reviews scale is ((((1)))) to ((((10))))

If ***my rate*** at the end is ((((1))))= means don't get near this place, unless you want to have your Owen experience so it's up to you.

If ***my rate*** at the end is ((((10))))= means WoW it's wonderful awesome amazing place, you should visit.

Ok let's start :

the Rescue guards are Absolutely UNFRIENDLY with an attitude. They will Hardly answer your questions.

B) *PRICE* = (8)
Its Free beach no cost at all.

It's not as clean as it could be and should be. Its just ok within limit.
the sand is not as clean as it should be, some area even hard to walk on.

D) *PARKING* = (7)
Easy to find parking, however, at the weekend you might have hard time to find parking so you might need to park a little far a way.

There is no Facilites or public toilets or even shower around as it should be, you must walk long Distance to find a shower and toilets, which could make some adults and especially kids urine and do their things inside the water...
There should be more facilities available around as well more shower stands and toilets to make it easy and more convenience for everyone who would Decide to Swim...

even though it's a free beach but still they should make it much better than this..

The place in general is ok to stop by to take some photos but not really to swim unless you have no other options then it would be within limit.

I would NOT really recommend this place, because it is not really worth to drive all the way just for it, as there are many other places worth the time to spend for, unless you have done all the other activites and you have an extra time and want to take some photos of "burj al arab" hotel from distance, or looking for free place to swim then why not ...

I gave ((2 STARS)) because this place needs more improvements and more facilities.

***MY RATE*** to this place is ((((4))))

If you like my review please click "((like ))"
by the way this is "NOT" {{YouTube}} lol so there is "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING" i will get from either you click "like" or not, Except to be encouraged to continue giving the best, complete, most honest and trust worthy reviews you will ever get in google, also it will let me know that i was actually helping you somehow .

Have wonderful great time wherever you are


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