Pamela Cameron

3 years ago



As much as it pains me to make a negative comment concerning the community where I currently reside, Sage Luxury Apartments, Phoenix Arizona it has become clear that the Beztak Properties have made the decision to speak out necessary. An original post for Sage Luxury Apartments identifying the once beautiful, thriving, and well-maintained community as excellent cannot be said today. This is "Not" the case today, November 22, 2016.

In mid-September 2016 a new form of "Air Freshener" was installed in the office, community center, restrooms, and gym, which is so strong it has made a resident sick enough to be hospitalized for 3.5 day's. The resident made a recommendation of reducing the intensity of the air freshener that contains Sage Essential Oils, which the resident is highly allergic to. The counter recommendation by Beztak, the Regional Manager, and the Property Manager has consisted of two options. One is to allow the staff to deliver everything to the resident at the apartment. For example, packages, personal mail, and maintenance requests. The rent would be picked up by the staff at the each month. The resident would have to stay home waiting for one of the Beztak Employees to deliver the mail, pick-up rent, and deliver packages at their convenience. This would prevent the resident, from carrying out any personal business outside of the Sage Luxury Apartments.

The recommendation cannot be fulfilled as promised because the staff cannot provide the resident's with timely notices that are required by law such as Lease Renewal Notices, Lease Agreements, information concerning repairs to plumbing, and walk through Inspection Notices. When a Notice of Inspection is received the inspections never take place. Again, preventing the residents from taking care of personal business. If Beztak employees are not capable of performing the normal duties that are required, how can anyone consider an offer to deliver everything to the door on a daily basis realistic or practical? If the staff is unable to locate, properly file, or produce a copy of a Lease Agreement over the course of eight months with requests for the document made several times a week with only excuses delivered, how can it be expected that the promise to deliver the mail each day would be fulfilled?

What would happen if a piece of mail were dropped or lost in the process of delivering the mail to the resident? Would the resident who is sickened by an air freshener that is pungent enough to be identified outside of the building, be responsible for the lost of damaged mail? Why would Beztak make a recommendation that cannot be fulfilled? If the rent is due by 3rd of each month, would there be late fees tacked on at a cost of $50.00 per day? Who would be responsible if the rent payment were lost or destroyed while en route to the office?

The second, option would consist of the cancellation of a 3rd year lease. On the surface the offer sounds valid. The reality of simply picking up unexpectedly and moving for an individual who is disabled, suffering the ill effects of an allergy attack, asthma attack, as well as other physical disabilities is not realistic. The resident would have to pay someone to pack everything and move it to a new location. There are the costs associated with renting a new apartment, i.e., deposits, administration fees, pet fees, pet deposits, background checks, and costs associated with transferring all of the utilities. These costs could easily run as high as $3,000.00.

The question concerning the reasonable accommodation remains the same. How reasonable is it to install an Air Freshener into an area where every resident has the ability to conduct business with the exception of the one person who is allergic to the "Newly installed, Industrial Strength Air Freshener?

What once was a 5-Star Rating for Beztak and Sage is less than a nano second of a rating. Beztak is getting a 1-Star rating only because there is nothing lower. That is sad!


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