Justin Brown

4 years ago

These technofiles micro chipped me without consent...

These technofiles micro chipped me without consent after I passed full auto. I said before long they will be chipping people on this table. "He knows about the chip he's gotta take the chip" and the technofile stuck the chip between my knuckles in my right hand so I couldn't splinter it out. It's the mark. Consider this my notice of understanding and intent and my claim of god given rights. I claim all my rights and i don't consent to unlawful authority. The definition of a statute is a legislated rule of society which has been given the force of law the definition of a society is a number of people joined by mutual consent to deliberate determine and act for a common goal. "No man is good enough to govern another without that others consent." -Abraham lincon. Check out that act of 1871. It replaced our organic constitution with a corporate constitution. I'm the sovereign. Anything you can do inside a legislated framework with a permit or licence you have to be able to do outside that framework without the permit or licence otherwise the licencing authority is licencing unlawful behavior. Where the bill of rights was predominantly laid out was the declaration of independence we are endowed by the creator with the rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers by the consent of the governed. I hereby revoke my consent to be governed. Legalese is a language written by the American "law" society that I cannot claim to understand unless I'm an attorney. Bear in mind all these officers carry business cards. It's a corporation providing a service and only employees are bound. Are you the police willing to claim under full commercial liability that it's constitutional to use a language we the people cannot claim to understand against us in order to create liability upon us? Ladies and gentlemen it's time for a revolution. The more freedom these officers that only exist in corporations take from the people for the 1% they more revenue they generate for themselves it's pathetic to think they are the good guys anymore. Sure crime is a problem but 9 times out of 10 they are slimeballs that just wanna write a ticket or enforce legislated morality. I don't violate rights of others I do no harm and I never use fraud in a contract and that covers all the law. After that it's nothing but legislated morality and unconstitutional statutes... Slavery has been abolished i know you heard the news but the 14th amendment voluntary servitude When you register your child you make a major alteration you are now employed by UNITED STATES corporation the constitution thereby becomes a fiction you can't mention it in any statutory jurisdiction they hoodwink masses of people somthing awful just because it's legal doesn't mean that it is lawful. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands (not the states) one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. this is a police state with unconstitutional statutes this is the corporate takeover our founding fathers talked about it's time for a revolution. When we the people fear our government there is tyranny when the government fears it's people there is liberty.


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