Carla Davis

4 years ago

Took a relative who is diagnosed scizophrenic with...

Took a relative who is diagnosed scizophrenic with severe personality and identity disorders who had not been on her medication in a couple years and was severely depressed.

The intake person who was an angry looking African American elder with big hair and super long bright nails, behaved as if she was annoyed at having to do anything remotely like it may take actual work or lifting a pen. Before us I watched her send a couple of other upset patients away. Without asking hardly any questions she turned my relative away and said that she had no mental challenges or disorders that she could see and that they could not help people who are well. My relative began crying and cutting her wrists and arms in the waiting area...

Furious, I went back in to try to understand why our state funded mental health center was going to turn away a diagnosed severely mentally ill patient who had finally gotten the courage to come ask for help (which was a huge struggle to get them to do in the first place). I was made to wait an additional hour before speaking to the same lady who had turned my relative away and during that hour I watched her eat lunch, file those gigantic nails and talk to a couple personal friends on her cell. She explained that she didn't think anything was wrong with my relative and that if she was cutting herself maybe I should take her to the hospital. REDICULOUS!!!!

I think our mental health center is a sad excuse and a waste of tax payers dollars. There is no telling how many severely sick patients have been turned away or committed suicide due to the treatment of the intake personnel. That woman whoever she is has no business working in the mental health profession. Sick!!!

This was about a year back so I am going to go take the same relative again cause she only has medicaid to attempt to get help as she STILL hasn't gotten any...And I will make an updated review afterwards.


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