Christopher V

3 years ago

I had an appointment scheduled with Dr. Jacob this...

I had an appointment scheduled with Dr. Jacob this morning for my son. I had called on Wednesday to find out whether they expected the office to be open on Friday given the impending winter storm. I was told that they would likely be open since they did not see snow in the forecast for Friday and informed that phone calls would be made to patients in the event they were closed. Although they were closed on Thursday, the website stated that the office would be back open on Friday. I called to confirm our appointment before leaving the house, but the office had not yet open for the day thankfully they were open by the time we arrived at 7:50am. As we were getting registered with the receptionist, Dr. Jacob s nurse, Judy, came out and informed the receptionist that Dr. Jacob would not be making it in today due to the snowy conditions. Mind you this was at 7:59am and our appointment was for 8am. You would think that the doctor would have been able to assess the situation and make the determination last night that she would not be able to make it in given that little if any improvements would occur overnight, especially since the forecast called for snow drifts and temperatures in the negative due to the excessive windchill. On top of this, you would think the doctor would have at least had the courtesy to notify the office in a more timely fashion. When my husband, who had taken time off from work for this appointment, attempted to get information from Judy, who became highly defensive rather quickly during the conversation and gave every unjustifiable excuse in the book, we were informed that the doctor has a baby and could not leave the house to assess the situation. We then pointed over to our baby who was sitting patiently in the waiting room for her brother s appointment and made it clear that we had no problem leaving the house. At this point Judy modified her statement to add that Dr. Jacob s baby was an infant. We realized we were getting nowhere quick with this woman and simply asked whether another doctor was available to see our son. About 5 minutes later, we were informed that nobody can accommodate your son s appointment today. Although we decided to reschedule, we opted to go with another physician, who unfortunately cannot see our son for over three weeks from now. As if this all wasn t aggravating enough, I noticed they failed to input my son s name correctly after I received the rescheduled appointment confirmation sheet. Needless to say, I am incredibly disappointed in the high level of unprofessionalism we experienced this morning and Judy s unwarranted abrasive attitude. I am crossing my fingers for our appointment scheduled with Dr. G at the end of this month. On a side note, an elderly woman slipped and fell as she walked into the office because the laminated area of the floor was wet and there was no sign inside indicating the hazardous condition.


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