11 months ago

Judge Carmen R. Luege : Dishonorable

Judge Carmen R. Luege accepted law breaking contempt of court admission from respondent (mother) and only evidence from respondent. When I the petiotioner (father) needed to show evidence to counter and prove my case, she would not hear or accept any of my material of evidence. Even though the mother admitted to contempt of court, Judge Luege said I was exaggerating and called me a liar while my evidence would've shown otherwise. When I questioned Luege if it was illegal for the mother to keep our children away from me for over 3 months with zero replys from texts or phone calls or police authorities trying to make contact with the mother, she replied "I don't have to answer your question". Luege allowed a lawbreaker to get away with what she did. Is it any wonder why the mother continues to break the law? There's currently a petition to expose Carmen R. Luege on Facebook. I'm submitting on any platform so that others with the same experience will come forward. Please look into this and spread the word of this injustice as I am retrieving my transcripts from this hearing.

Comments: (2)

I have had a very similar experience with this Judge. In my opinion, she rules on prejudice and not on what is actually in the best interest of the child. My attorney made a formal complaint to the presiding family court Judge and was told that there is currently a 'drawer full' of similar complaints on Judge Carmen Luege. I also had an extremely hard time understanding her with her poor English and thick accent. She would often attempt to read evidence and skirt over multiple words while reading - I'm assuming it is either because she did not know how to pronounce the word or did not know what it meant; so she omitted reading them. I will work tirelessly to remove this Judge from Family Court to ensure the safety of my child.


Thank you for sharing this! I’m dealing with her(luege) over the past year and my daughter’s mom withheld our daughter for 41 days until I was forced to sign papers for visitation. On day 25 was the first court hearing I got after filing for my daughter to be returned home and denied and she only scheduled for us to see a mediator but never was worried or won’t charge her with pc 278.5 deprivation of custody. She has undermined me and told me she was worried about me after she asked my daughters mom what I did all day and she lied and said I play video games all day and instead of allowing me to respond or show proof at all which that day I came with 500 pages of proof she told me I was wasting her time and should get an attorney instead of trying to help me as pro se. Each and every time my daughters mom files for another attempt for a restraining order she granted for temporary and then 25 days which it’ll be a total of 109 in a week that she kept my daughter from me and I am the caretaker. That’s just the beginning.
What can I do to help out? Help me get in contact with anyone else that’s dealing with the same. I can have a voice. She needs to get out of there.

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