4 years ago

Q1 / What is the hospital that can milk 50 thousan...

Q1 / What is the hospital that can milk 50 thousand riyals from you in 3 days only through hypnosis and nutrients only, without surgery, operation and catheter? And on top of that, he can record the sand of tayammum that you do not need in your bill ?!

Q2 / What is the hospital that hangs the warning sign against the assault on the medical practitioner on every brick while its medical practice can assault your 80th conscious patient verbally and physically and in intensive care without punishment, not even a question or inquiry about your complaint ?!

Q3 / What is the hospital (the edifice), which days after your patient escaped from it, and although it received the value of its rays and its reports with the exorbitant, thick compound profit, it is unable to provide you with a complete medical report to show it to a doctor who fears God?

Q4 / What is a hospital that, despite all the above, can embroider its walls and decorate its walls with verses from the Noble Qur an, the hadiths of the Chosen One, may God bless him and grant him peace, the biographies of Muslim scholars and the noble companions and companions!

Are you not ashamed! !

At least obscure the biography of Rufaida Al-Aslamia, may God be pleased with her, as she did not harm her patients and did not stretch her hand in their pockets!
And comment Shylock biography for us to accept what you are doing!

Unfortunately, I have not found less than one star, but I have the place of each star an invitation to God to reward you with what you deserve and to provide you with someone who will cure you of this affliction.


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