Krishna L S

3 years ago

So much to say about this incredible institute.

So much to say about this incredible institute.

After working for over a year, I was still struggling to compete in the industry because I didn't feel like I had an in depth understanding of the fundamental concepts
There is a huge gap between college and The industry and I wanted find a way to bridge that gap
Then I decided to join Uttara and it's been one of the best decisions I have ever taken not just in my career but my entire life.

About the course :
I took up the full stack Full development course
It's an amazing course where you get learn so much and go in deep in the following topics:

* Core Java fundamentals starting from basics and then moving to OOPS concepts, I/O, Threads, collections etc
*J2E web development with frameworks such as Spring MVC , Hibernate etc for the back end
Also front end technologies like Angular JS
And so many other topics as well.

The classroom lectures as well as video lectures that sir sends us are so immersive and very easy to follow and learn from

This is also backed up by regular labs from time to time where we implement everything we've learned and get a hands on experience on various topics
Sir also does demo lab videos for certain framework related topics which makes really easy to pick up from.

About the trainer:

Vikram Shastry Sir is the best teacher I have ever seen in my life
His style of training in absolutely brilliant.

He made even the most complex concepts look easy by relating to real world examples

Hi training involved a lot of humour as well which made it really fun to attend
In fact I looked forward to going to class everyday

Not only is he a great teacher but an even better human being as well
He would always give us important life lessons and kept encouraging and motivating us and making us believe that we can achieve great things in life

Through this course I have been able to gain an immense amount of knowledge on java development.
This course has also helped me learn and grow as a person
I feel so much more confident about facing the challenges of the industry

I will forever be grateful to Vikram Sir and the entire Uttara team for everything that I have gained from my time here.


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