Honest Review

4 years ago

CoVid precautions are way below standard here. I ...

CoVid precautions are way below standard here. I am almost under the impression that they do not care if you get exposed. I have seen higher precautions taken at a store. Went to the emergency room with N95 mask and eye protection and disposable gloves. At the door we were told to remove our mask and other PPE and put on blue paper surgical mask. The box is on a common table at the entrance where they are not sterile as everyone is to reach in immediately upon entering and place it on face.and Therefore this box is being reached into by everyone who enters the Hospital prior to using hand sanitizer. I refused and said I wanted to keep my N95 mask on. I was refused service. None of the attendants in the lobby were wearing any mask other than a blue paper surgical mask. Very confused, but have heard hospitals are getting extra money for covid cases, so that might be why this hospital is creating an environment less than sterile. I will avoid Texas Health care network as much as possible after this experience.

Also, I called prior to arriving to find out the precautions as well. They were very vague and about all they told me was no one waits in the lobby and they go straight to a room but I had to pull that out of them. If they would have told us the process we would have avoid stress of going and found another hospital and saved them a bad review. However, I am glad I am able to share this review with others that are concerned about CoVid precautions. Also, if a hospital attendant can not explain their CoVid policies then either no one is following them and they are not enforced or they have none. Shameful.


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