Malissa Simpler

4 years ago

I had a brain surgery here in 2017 to try and stop...

I had a brain surgery here in 2017 to try and stop my disabling seizures. I'm just now finding out from a surgeon in Denver that I had a stroke during the surgery and that UCLA didn't even remove what they said they were going to remove.

My new surgeon is guessing they had to stop the surgery due to the stroke, but I'm sure UCLA never documented that I had any complications so that they could keep up their surgeon's (whom I won't name) quality scores. I'm now due for ANOTHER surgery on Monday to finish what he started (and also because my seizures have worstened in severity and frequency) and I am confident that Denver will be honest with me about the details of my surgery afterwards.

I would be cautious having a surgery here for epilepsy as it seems they were not very honest with me. Not to mention, they would either never respond or give a vague answer to any of my questions after the surgery. Now I know why.


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