Andrew Cass

4 years ago

So I go in to buy a used car. Not sure exactly wh...

So I go in to buy a used car. Not sure exactly what I'm looking for but I have a budget. I'm met at the door by a nice young guy and we chat and start walking around the lot. He knows my budget and the first few cars we look at are great but upon further conversation are twice my budget. So we go inside to look at the computer system and along the way I ask a few questions about some of the older models and I realize he knows nothing about Subarus and just started here but he's nice and honest and asks follow workers some of my questions and we move on. Once inside it becomes clear that they really don't have anything in my budget but salesman 1 says he's gonna go look at anything they just got in and comes back with salesman 2. Salesman 2 is a seasoned car selling vet and knowledgeable but much more aggressive then Salesman 1. So #2 puts keys to a Hyundai in my hand and tells me to drive it. Now I know I don't want a Hyundai but rather then argue I test drive it and say it's not for me. I tell him again my budget and he thinks he can work a used Crosstrek for me. I say ok and they take my keys to check out my trade in. That's when salesman 1 comes in with a document he says I have to sign for them to check out my car. Seems reasonable and then he adds "and go forward with the deal if the terms are agreeable". I reluctantly sign it.

Now #2 gives me keys to a crosstrek to test drive. I do so and like it and when I get back to the office he shows me a deal for about %25 over my budget. I tell him I might be able to do it but I need to check my accounts. I do so and have a little less then I thought but it's still a possibility. They come back with my trade in value which is lower then I expected so now I can't afford it even more then before. But number 2 goes with the old "What can I do to put you in this car today" routine. His tone changes and he's getting aggressive. I try to back out but he insists I give him and number to hit so I do. He goes to "the bosses" and comes back higher then the number. I try to nicely back out again. He keeps pointing to the paper signed saying "What about these terms are not agreeable?" I tell him I just don't think I can afford that multiple times. Meanwhile number 1 is holding my keys looked scarred he's gonna loose his first ever sale and all I want to do is leave. I have to talk my way out of it for the next ten minutes before my keys are handed back to me and I leave.

THESE TYPES OF TACTICS ARE EXACTLY WHY PEOPLE HATE CAR SALESMAN. And I wanted a Subaru so now I'm gonna go to a different dealer that isn't gonna push me around.


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