Ms. Gin-Gin

4 years ago

Ever since Arizona Quadel came into the picture ( ...

Ever since Arizona Quadel came into the picture ( my friend lost their voucher, due to their neglectful approaches, and apartment complex call the Resort of 27th that this housing agency is affiliated with), and it has been nothing but pure hell with the fire of a lake burning. This program along with the City of Phoenix Housing Authority, put my friend and her child to be homeless and had nowhere to turn ( you guys did not even put her up in a hotel until the issue was fixed, oooh but you do it for those who are not legal or on drugs or look a certain way to your liking ( I sense discrimination/prejudice).

This program is designed to prevent homelessness, and you guy failed, with your so call education obtained at the university, training on the job and the entire system period. Not only that but you guys only want to do for certain individuals, families ( that look and be a certain way, and who abuse the program). You put a 8 to 10 year old in a one bedroom, are you serious?

Also, my friend was treated as if they was living in prison at most of the slum lords apartment complexes, in which this office is affiliated with. Might I add the inspectors have no Public Health education, degree nor license to top it off. Most of these individuals working in this office is not even qualified to work here, but here they are making my friend and a lot of others homeless over BS lies, and Segregation along with their fake informers.

Take a look at these pictures of the conditions my friend was residing in during this program. They sent me these pics of their child's milk spoiling over fridge not working properly and the mold with roaches, bugs walking on them that is not viewable and the list goes on. Prior my friend was residing at an apartment in Phoenix Az, and her eye has a few ball like things under her lid and Medicaid will not cover her visits to check her eye and eyelids due to this apartment complex ( which was report along with pictures and nothing was done about it).

If this is the way the Federal money is being used and abused. Then the Federal government needs to pull their money out of the City and State and especially for this program. Take it away for all not only one type of race, ethnicity, color, gender, and so on.

Then there is certain areas here in Phoenix, where you can't live here, you can't live there and you can't move to this Avenue or that street and this building and that building, cant walk here or there, can't shop here or there ( when on the program and even off). Most of these people do not even own the property and do not own the damn streets and acting as if they do. I have a question, if I was in another country other than the USA, Would that country give me welfare benefits, Section 8, or any type of housing period? I DO NOT THINK SO LOVE

Then when my friend was on this section 8 program her children could not do a lot of things, but as soon as someone else's child screams, laugh play, and do whatever they feel like it, it is okay and there is no problem. This is not segregation this is a new ERA so get with it people. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE DAMN MOCHA.
These are the conditions Section 8/ Quadel of Arizona had my friend residing in, and it is unacceptable. I think that Washington DC should really be in on this , to see how there funds and money is being used and abused. So since you guys screwed my friend over, I got you.

If there are any lawyers who will be willing to take my friends case, due to health hazardous conditions please contact me through this and I will forward it to her. Either way something's got to give and this was the last straw for this piece of wanna be fake we care about the people program.

This should be broadcast nationwide and I am going to make it my business to do just that. Because you can not treat one better than the other. It does not work like that, maybe in the 18-1900s but not in this modern times.


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