
louis jerico

3 years ago

I bought my car from a tent sale with this company...

I bought my car from a tent sale with this company a year ago. I was supposed to get paid for my car that they bought from me, and that took a month to happen. I have had 3 oil changes that came with me buying this car so far, and I must say I'm not impressed with the service department. The staff at this place seem very complacent, lots of no eye contact and some of rhe staff walking around talking inappropriate subjects. The sales people of course are courdal. I walked in today and the person at the service desk was eating his cup o noodles, and he just sits there and no greeting. So I just walk over to him and dude is super bland. Typing hard on his keyboard like I'm inconveniencing him by being there. Mind you my appointment is at 1 pm. So after 5 minutes of paperwork with the "coupons" for my oil change I finally get my car in for a simple oil change and tire rotation. As I previously explained there were many workers there with poor attitudes. For instance one sales man wanted to get the tv working and asked a worker that was passing by if they knew where the controller was. She was very short with a smudged up face and was like "no". After an hour of sitting there the same employee which I assume works moving vehicles, walks by again with another worker complaining about how the keys always get moved around or something with a few choice words, mind you there was a child and other customers there. After almost two hours finally a girl walks up and is like your car will be ready in 5 minutes, so I sat there for almost 10 minutes and no one came back. So I walked to service and stopped at the bathroom, and wow there was so much water on the floor. Dirty from many shoes walking through it and a wet floor sign in the middle of it, which shows someone addressed the wet floor but was clearly not going to go above and beyond by cleaning it up. At this point I was done. I walked out and my "service" guy had others waiting and wasn't even offering a "hey thank you all for your patience". It's the little things that matter. He says to me are you ready, again he didn't come and say it was done he only sat at his desk, I was like yeah sure I'm ready. After another 10 or so minutes goes by and during this time another service lady was trying to offer customer care because she sees the back up happening. Dude totally says out loud wow she had quite the attitude. He finally gets my card run and my receipt to me and he low-key says thanks for your patience. So I go to my car and there were grease smudges on my door handle, and on my steering wheel, I didn't go back in because at this point they had a lot of strikes against them. So I called and the customer service, not a manager, was kind and apologized, I don't want that I say to her, I want you to realize the complacency that is occurring there. When I got off of the phone at home I looked at my sticker which is set for 7000 miles, so I call back and ask if my car goes 7k before the next oil change, and again this company dropped the ball. He offered to have me come back so they could change the sticker to the proper mileage, and again I was like no it should be been done right in the first place. This is for the staff, which a manager should be saying to them, If you don't like your job don't work at it go and better your self, don't take it out on your customers while signs of "the customer is first" hang within eye sight all over the place.


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