
3 years ago

I am grateful to have a health food store in downt...

I am grateful to have a health food store in downtown Ojai and to be fair the produce and dairy sections are fine but what kind of store puts half its bulk items in one building and the other half in another building and expects shoppers to run back & forth between two buildings?

Want bulk organic rolled oats? The Main Store stocks non-organic rolled oats I wanted organic so went next door to the "Warehouse". The Warehouse stocks organic "quick" oats and organic "steel cut" oats but no organic rolled oats (i.e. the regular kind).

When I asked, I was told organic rolled oats should be in the main store yep the store I just left because I didn't find them there

Why not put ALL the bulk oats in ONE BUILDING so shoppers can find the type they want?
Do we really need 4-5 different kinds of oats in 2 separate buildings? Really?

Want some bulk rice? Bulk flour? Good luck. Maybe it will be at the main store maybe at the Warehouse.

On the plus side, RB probably has what you're looking for but you may not find it unless you have LOTS of spare time to peruse 2 separate buildings and go through 2 separate check-out lines, etc.

Although I live in downtown Ojai I recommend Farmer & Cook in Meiners Oaks. F&C has smaller selection - but their bulk section is user-friendly. They carry everything you really need for healthy cooking all in one place. Hopefully someday RB will follow the example and fix their fiasco.


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