Daniela Padin

3 years ago

The worst experience of my life.

The worst experience of my life.
I went to the obstetric ward, 12 weeks pregnant and at a loss.
I do not know what I had to wait, I know it was enough, but honestly I just thought about knowing how my baby was doing.

After the ultrasound that confirmed the worst news I expected. The obstetrician (hopefully nobody else had the misfortune to meet her) told me for no apparent reason: "you can not ask for an ultrasound when you feel like it, what did you change to find out about this today or within a week if the result I was going to be the same. "
I was frozen. Without saying "A". I tried to get up and leave because at that moment of vulnerability I was not ready to receive that kind of treatment.
My boyfriend tried to stop me by telling me to wait for him to tell us what we had to do from that moment on. To which he replied that nobody told him what he had to do.
He insisted again telling him to please tell us the instructions to follow how should and should do any professional.
Then, she does not know why she felt intimidated and threatened to call security.
I broke down in tears and began to explain that no one was threatening her, that we were learning the worst news of our lives and that we simply needed to know how this was going on.
When he saw my condition, he apparently lowered a couple of changes and replied "here comes each one ..." (as if that were a reason to treat people badly).
After this he began to explain the steps to follow as a carnage, that what followed was given naturally, and that, (quote): "It's not like the grandmothers say that the boy is going to rot inside" towards (for her) a fetus, but for me, MY SON!
Being a teacher and working with 25 3-year-olds, he told me that it was not necessary to rest, that I should continue my normal life, that I was doing better, because the process was going to be faster ... Claro ... divino en My emotional state put me in front of a group of 3-year-old boys when all I wanted was to die.

From there, the next day, with the rest I needed to recover emotionally and physically provided by the teacher borrower, where, among other things, they told me, you can not go to work like that! ... I ended up at the HOSPITAL FOUNDATION (the best place in the world, with super human personnel and container) with terrible hemorrhage, some pain that twisted me on the stretcher, a curettage and an admission. And everything started at the same time that supposedly I should be doing "my normal life".

I regret so much of not having denounced that butcher in time, although obviously, she never gave me her name ... but something could have been done so that what happened to me did not happen to anyone else, NEVER !!


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