Ash Luckett

3 years ago

So went to dinner w/ a friend. Our server was tras...

So went to dinner w/ a friend. Our server was trash. He never introduced himself, we only learned his name after we received the bill. During our entire dining experience he checked on us once, there was no small talk or customer service for that matter. After paying the bill I went to the restroom, when I returned my friend had gone to the restroom as well. As I gather my coat and bag to leave the server turned to I and said and I quote "thank you, and make sure you have some very interesting sexual encounters tonight" *jaw drops* because surely I didn't hear what I thought I just heard. What did you just say? "The server gave me a nasty look and walked away. I called to speak to the manger and he suggested the sever was "being humorous" and said he would speak to the server. I just can't comprehend how that could be humorous or even okay to say to someone at all. It was incredibly disrespectful and inappropriate and I was made to feel very uncomfortable. I won't be returning to this establishment ever again.


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