3 years ago

NJ DCF and DCPP are the worst concealed corruption...

NJ DCF and DCPP are the worst concealed corruption and organized crime in America today. DCPP in Hackensack and Bergen County are the worst of the worst medical kidnappers and are joined by Camden County, Passaic County and Atlantic County among others. They lie, break into houses at night without warrant, do fake evaluations and do everything possible for one purpose, to steal your children and give to foster to make $10k a month and then bonuses, disparaging family and neighbors. The homes they put children in are all dirty, have lice and are disgusting with the only people in the county who are willing to steal children for NJ DYFS and they starve and beat the children while knowing they are taking from good crying parents and the Judges always ignore crimes against children by the State and all their corrupt paid agencies. They all work together to commit these crimes, look up DCPP, DYFS, DCF CPS child trafficking and corruption - people are starting to become aware of their crimes. Attorneys say this is the worst system in the entire United States with too many federal complaints to count, centered in the Bergen County Court House and Hackensack and Paramus DCPP. They drug and abuse children and even parents with the dirtiest Judges in the State - Hackensack Court House gets 6 bomb threats against bad Judges every year they are so bad - and that's not even from the terrorists! It's from the community and parents of those whose children they abducted and prolonged tortured and then permanently terminated parental rights! They are monsters, have no doubt and do not have hope they care about the children or you, they are all there for one purpose to get get away with stealing your children and doing whatever necessary to destroy anyone who gets in their way for the $1.7 Billion a year NJ State gets and to cover up the worst most corrupt state in the United States, New Jersey, by attacking people's children.

Federal fighter attorneys are working around the clock to bring this heinous corruption to an end and have already won with federal writ to free horribly abducted, tortured and forced institutionalized children these monsters kidnapped. If they come near your home, leave the State immediately to save your children and family, it is the only way to save them and yourselves until our fighter attorneys and movement leaders bring the corruption and terror and tyranny down and free and return all the stolen children.

DCF Chief Allison Blake and DCPP head Lisa Von Pier have dozens of federal complaints against them for child abductions, heinous child drugging and prolonged torture, child trafficking, crimes against humanity, crimes against the Rights of the Child, RICO and man others please look on the Web for Federal US District Court and US Federal Third Circuit Court of Appeals complaints and charges against them, dozens can be found on the Web and the corrupt State of New Jersey's Unconstitutional and Fraudulent Claims of Immunity have already been struck down, it's just a matter of time before they are put away for life and that isn't the only federal penalty for violating constitutional rights and federal law, check the Web on that also - their crimes if convicted include sentencing of death, prayed for every day by thousands of their trafficking victims both children and parents and entire families and communities. Lookup Title 18 US Code Section 242 Violating Constitutional Rights Under Color of Law,, all of NJ DCF and DCPP are going down for their crimes against humanity to the people of New Jersey.


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