Review of IIT Bombay

4 years ago



Why people sitting in Top Positions are killed brutally by disgruntled Employees ?

In a tragic incident, the DGM (operations) of Graphite India Ltd Powermax Steel division, was killed when some suspended workers staging dharna' outside the plant at Bolangir (Orissa) stopped his car and allegedly set it on fire. This is not an isolated incident of violence by employees against employee(s).

In a similar case, in September 2009, the Vice President (HR) of an auto manufacturing company was killed by a group of sacked workers in his cabin in the company's unit about 20 km from Coimbatore. Earlier, in September 2008, at Greater Noida, the CEO and Managing Director of Cerlikon-Graziano Transmission India Pvt Ltd was killed by a agitating workers.

All such incidents fall under the category of Workplace violence'

Corporate World is a place where some Professionally Qualified Pimps ( You can refer them as Male Prostitutes licking Management's Ass giving fake smiles all the time for their own benefit than their Sub-Ordinates)
Wearing Tie & Suits Using polished Management Jargons seal the fates of their Employees especially Middle & Lower cadres signing a piece of A4 Size Company Letter Heads . Termination Letter, Warning Letter etc)

Even if a Employee gives his best through out the Year by slogging for 10 hours ,12 hours and finally when Performance Appraisal is done , these bastards gives you a thousand reasons , how you could not perform as per Management Expectations and hence you are not ready to take the next level and why you will not get a decent increment this year.

All these will be done using polished and sophisticated management language which has been learnt by going to top MBA schools.

It is not Masters In Business Administration, it is Man Behind (Your ) Ass.

The poor employee has to either look somewhere else or accept whatever is given in the name of increment

These Ass Licking Souls will then go their Senior Pimps ( MD's & CEO's ) boasting about the COST SAVINGS done.

It is not only these Senior Pimps who do the Ass Licking, there are plenty of Lower Level Employees (Junior Pimps) who do this YES SIR OK SIR RIGHT SIR (ASS LICKING ) and run their families at the cost of Talented, Skilled & Honest ones.

Moreover this will be done using power point & excel presentations in the boardroom.

They will boast how they have achieved their targets and how the organisation has been saved a big chunk of money.

These pimps will in return expect and prove why they deserve promotion.

These pimps will go back to their wives proudly , Darling I have been promoted to the next Management Level with higher perks.

They will plan their Family vacation abroad with all enjoyment

They wil resume work boasting and showing snaps and will update their facebook and other social media boasting of their achievements.

All these at the cost of innocent and poor lower and junior employees

And these employees continue with their daily struggle of catching overcrowded public transport , reaching Office and continue listening to the daily insults and mental harassment..........
Some not able to withstand and take the step of KILLING these PROFESSIONALLY


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