Christa Hindy

4 years ago

Not worth the price of it. Stay at a hotel near by...

Not worth the price of it. Stay at a hotel near by without all the extra charges and simply walk through the lobby to see it's beautifulness, but definitely do not stay here. It is overpriced, the workers are unhelpful, unfriendly, and can't even answer questions you have about your stay. Horrible.

Ok, now let me explain myself.
1. Do you notice how everyone in a while the owner or manager will get on and reply to someone who gave them a good review. They never seem to care about the bad reviews.

2. The workers just seem highly confused and undertrained. When we went into "The Lounge" restaurant and asked the host a simple question he said "uh, I don't know. I'm new here and I'm not sure what you're talking about. Let me ask the manager." 10 minutes later he comes back with a sort of answer. When I say sort of I mean he said "well yeah sorta, I still don't understand what she meant." ...ok...so are you gonna go clarify. So he goes back over to ask again, and comes back with another sort of... Finally by the third time he says she is going to come over and talk to us. 5 minutes later instead of the manager we get 3 confused workers sort of telling us what they think they know with extremely confused looks on their faces. Finally we just walked away.

3. The ice machine didn't work. When we went downstairs I told the front desk about the ice machine on our floor not working and they said they would send someone up to fix it, but for now they can have ice brought up. I said well we are headed out for a bit, so we will get I've when we are back. An hour later we get back, try to get ice, and it's still broken. So we call down for ice that will be brought "right up" and about 45 minutes later, after we go get ice from the opposite end of the hotel, our ice shows up at the door. Now we have two ice buckets, cool. The next day the ice machine is still broken. I highly doubt the front desk ever sent anyone up at all to look at it.

4. They said that we needed to wear these wrist bands at all time because of the security. Only hotel guests are allowed inside. But the lobby was full of drunken, falling asleep, and messy party goers. They were taking up the seats in the lobby the whole time and falling asleep on the couches. The bathroom in the lobby also always had a huge line and was very messy due to this. So why are you going to hand out these wristbands and say that there is all this security, when there really isn't.

5. When we ordered room service the guy was very rude. Ok, so my bf had never ordered room service because he doesn't stay at hotel. So when the guys handed him the book, my bf had no idea what to do. I was in a towel, about to take a shower, so I didn't want to answer the door. When I realized that the guy at the door was giving my bf a rude look because he asked him "what do I do with this," meaning the book, I stepped in and took care of it. Seriously, you're going to give him a rude look instead of simply saying "all you have to do is sign it."


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