Miguel A. Maroto

4 years ago

The most pleasant stay in years of rural tourism

The most pleasant stay in years of rural tourism

The title does not exaggerate or mislead. After more than 16 years of doing rural tourism throughout Spain, and with 99% of fantastic experiences, we can conclude without hesitation that the stay lived at the Hotel Rural Suquin has been the most complete, pleasant and pleasant so far. Yes, it was.
The cause, the origin that hides in this kind of magical incantation is undoubtedly its manager and owner Alberto, along with his entire team of collaborators, who work with dedication and pleasure to make us clients live experiences I would almost say that Sublime, and why not, I say it, experiences that nest in the memory like fantastic and dreamed trips that we always imagine having and that we had at the Hotel Rural Suquin.
From the beginning, during the reservation everything was facilities and good vibes.
The house that houses the Suquin rural Hoter is adorable. It seems inaugurated a year ago and has been running for almost 20 years. Pretty, pleasant, and perhaps majestic. With wide entrances and immense gardens that surround the building.
The rooms (that we were able to see) are spacious, cozy, warm and fully equipped with everything you can think of. The beds comfortable and well dressed. The spacious, clean, very clean and comfortable bathroom in which all the necessary accessories (soap, gel, etc.) are replenished daily, which is not so common in some 4-star hotels.
The talisman phrase of this magnificent manager who is Alberto is none other than "No problem" and behind it all kinds of solutions and congratulations.
In many places they have treated us well but nothing comparable with this house, in particular when we asked if we could have dinner there; "No problem, said Alberto" and my amazement might surprise you, because it is very normal to be able to dine in any rural hotel, true, but the great thing was that we could choose what we wanted to dine !. We talked about simple things, some salads, chicken fillets, some fish and things like that, simple, but exquisite, as we could see later.
My amazement comes because the normal thing is that each Rural House has its dinner menu already defined, and it is understood, they cannot make a menu, but the normal thing is that they are 2-course menus and dessert that in our particular case are insurmountable even if It will be a meal.
Sinenbargo Alberto told us "no problem" and delighted us with several delicate and exquisite dinners to suit us, which we enjoyed with delight and at a more than reasonable price.
I cannot and should not forget one of the most glorious moments of the day; breakfast. Indescribable!. Not only was the quantity an incentive that was hard to beat; the quality of what is well done with the best ingredients made the first meal of the day an authentic ceremony of culinary pleasure. Various types of homemade cakes, pastas, cookies along with fresh cured and cooked sausages of high quality. Of course cheeses, all incredible and from the area, although one of them was sublime, "La Peral", that's what it was called. A kind of Cabrales but much smoother and more flavorful.
But perhaps the star of the breakfast was undoubtedly the mini potato omelette that made me go back again and again to my childhood, remembering the authentic flavors of free-range eggs (they have their own chickens) and northern potatoes; unmatched.
Add to breakfast the homemade jams and the exquisite toast as well as a rich milk from the region that supplies milk to Spain and part of Europe.

And as an essential complement the impressive graphic and oral information that he gave us to get more and better use of the tourist treasures that crowd in this area of Asturias. The most complete we have received, and we certainly take advantage of it.

In short, a house, a room and an attention 10 out of 10.

You could write a book that would soon become a guide on how to do things well in the rural hotel business or in the hotel business without more, cheer up!

We don't know when but count on us to return to your house.


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