
3 years ago

High expectations due to reviews. Brussels sprouts...

High expectations due to reviews. Brussels sprouts were delicious, salads very tasty! Other than that most dishes were primarily fancy looking pasta with a nice sauce. Meat is almost nonexistent. The Cavatelli had tiny hard specks that I believe were the advertised "red table salami". The kitchen is verrry slooow (a 1/2 hour between courses) as well as inaccurate (unless it was the waitress) but 3 of 10 of us had mistakes. One person's food arrived 15 minutes late. I would have thought they could have given her something to munch on while the rest of us ate. Now that I think of it there was no bread or antipasto at all. I finally talked to the waitress who's response was "I'm on it"......really, this is you "on it"? I thought to myself while I suggested she comp my friend's meal. She did. I've been, now I can check it off the list.


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