Zoe Frazier

4 years ago

Customer Disservice..

Customer Disservice..

I received a letter that my car was being recalled for a fuel tank issue.

As I dropped off my car, I asked the service employees how I would be transported to work. Last time my car was recalled, I was provided a rental car, free of charge (which only makes sense, as this issue is the fault of the manufacturer).

The employee and his manager discussed it, and I was to be shuttled to work, even though my office is 4 miles beyond their 10 mile shuttle radius. But, the manager said that I wasn t going to be picked up. Oh, and they also had no cars available for me to rent.

I said, ...so I have to Uber back? And they both kind of looked at one another and then back at me with blank stares, likely because they knew it wasn t the right answer, but didn t really care.

After that awkward encounter, I got in the shuttle with a different (much nicer) employee. Traffic was bad due to an accident on I-285, but we eventually got to the destination. I asked the driver if he would be picking me up and he assured me that they would pick me up as long as it wasn t in rush hour. He told me to schedule my pickup when they were done with my car.

Once I received the text that my car was done, I asked the service employee if I could be shuttled back. He responded yes, and asked me what time I needed to be picked up. I told him 3 PM and then there was a long pause between texts.

After sending another message, he finally responded to tell me that they in fact were NOT picking me up and that his manager had told me earlier that it was a courtesy that they even took me to work in the first place.

Do they think that this recall is particularly convenient for me?! If they cannot provide rental cars, then they need to provide some sort of transportation.

After ubering back to the dealership, I picked up my car and drove home. I was prompted with a text survey the next day and mentioned that the service manager was quite rude about making the customer feel as if she was a total inconvenience for their problem.

Maybe a day later, I received a call at work from a number I didn t know. Unbeknownst to the ambush I was about to encounter, I answered. It was the service manager from Ford.

You may expect that she would have apologized or tried to understand my quarrels, but instead she opened up the conversation with directly quoting my text survey comments and reaffirming that it was just a courtesy that they transported me to work. My driver was gone for over an hour, she said.

Yes. And so was I, driving back and forth in Atlanta traffic, because of Ford s recall. My only response was, Thank you for calling. And I hung up.

Not only did she reinforce how rude she is, and let me tell you, she knows how to make someone feel small and worthless, she also 100% discouraged me from ever returning to that dealership.

I wanted to be done with the situation, since the awful customer service and even worse follow up made me feel quite uncomfortable. But, since all of my coworkers were in on the drama, and were frankly disgusted with how terribly the dealership treated its customers, they encouraged me to write a letter or leave another review, so here it is.

I hope this post teaches the manager something so that this dealership can handle its customers better in the future. And I also hope I do not receive another phone call berating me for doing so.


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