

3 years ago

This place is a wreck. Who ever constructed it sho...

This place is a wreck. Who ever constructed it should be sued for their failure, and whoever is managing will likely be sued at some point for gross negligence. Drainage from the property is a mess, all the planters are eroded away, the sod is a giant soup pit, and there is often a lake on the north east corner of the property that stinks to high hell. There are some metal grate looking fixtures on the north side that were damaged during construction and never fixed, and drainage pipes intentionally lead water across walkways. During the winter, the facilities staff is completely incompetent and doesn't clear the snow and ice from the sidewalks resulting in extremely dangerous icy areas. Tenants aren't reprimanded for throwing things from their balconies, and there appears to be no noise policy enforcement from the management.

It is a new building right off of campus so the price is insane, but because it is new and expensive it attracts all the rich party kids that couldn't find a house on the hill. Every night there are parties and kids screaming through the night. I live in the building just east of the U Club, and even with my windows closed and a white noise generator, I can still hear the screaming. If you are choosing to live on the east side of campus to avoid the noise of the hill, DO NOT live in or even near this building.


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