Ray Jay

4 years ago

Do not send loved ones here. They hire the minimum...

Do not send loved ones here. They hire the minimum number of CNAs required by the state: one CNA per eight residents is criminal; there is no way one person can take care of eight needy people. The inevitable result is neglect. Residents have a button to press if they need help. This turns on a light outside the resident's door. CNAs and other staff openly ignore illuminated lights. My Dad was there for two months and every day, every night, these lights are on and completely ignored. Residents have no other way to get the attention of staff. I don't need to detail how dangerous this can be. (What's more, lights furthest from the nursing station at the end of the hall are not even visible from the nursing station!) Also, there is a beeping sound at the nursing station when a resident push the alarm button from the bathroom, but these beeps are also ignored at all times.
I witnessed CNAs shaming residents in the bathroom. I witnessed them being shamefully disrespectful to multiple residents, including my father. I witnessed them casually talking together in the hall when residents were in need, ignoring the need.
The medical doctor was so disrespectful of my father, whose mental faculties were 100%. He's an Asian doctor who didn't address my father directly or look at him, and he clearly hated his job--acted as if he had been banished to this job as if it were Siberia. He didn't give a damn about anything we or my father was telling him; he dismissed everything we said, didn't listen, and prescribed medicine that appears to have led directly to my father's death a few months later.
It is tearing me apart to write this because I'm reliving the nightmare as I do. The experience was horrific for my father. It continues to give us nightmares, literally.
In two months, I saw the director of the facility all of three times, walking down the hall in his custom three-piece suits and Italian leather shoes, not once greeting a single person or even looking into a room.


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